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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

exorcism and deliverance HLI

Spirit & Life
"The words I spoke to you are spirit and life." (Jn 6:63)
Human Life International e-Newsletter
Volume 01, Number 69 | Friday, May 25, 2007
The Advocate vs. The Accuser
In a few months I will publish a book on exorcism and deliverance by which I hope to educate the Church Militant on the reality of spiritual evil and the truth of the Church's power against it. On this weekend where our Church celebrates Pentecost, the great Feast of the Holy Spirit, I offer an excerpt from this upcoming book to highlight the influence of the Holy Spirit in defending our cause against the accusing spirit of the devil. If we are to fight for the salvation of souls, we must know our enemy and experience God's love as the protective shield against all his evil.

The following excerpt is taken from the chapter entitled, "The Devil, His Minions, and His Activities."

What do we call the principle of all evil and why?
There are three common names by which most people describe the font of all evil: the Devil, Satan and Lucifer; each of these names comes to English from a different language. The name "Devil" comes from the Greek word διαβολοξ (diábolos), which literally means "one who throws things around" in the sense of creating the chaos for which he is so famous. The name "Satan" comes from the Hebrew verb "to accuse" and is variously translated as "the accuser," "the tempter," "the persecutor," "the calumniator" and "the adversary." Not ironically, the Church, taking her cue from the Gospel of John, calls the Holy Spirit, "The Advocate," (i.e., defense lawyer) in order to remind us that the depredations and accusations of our principle enemy are always met with one more powerful than he who takes our side in a fight.

"Lucifer" is a name that derives from the Latin meaning "light-bearer," commonly understood as his God-given name before he fell from grace. This name is cited in St. Jerome's Vulgate translation of the Bible in the Book of Isaiah 14:12-16. This potent creature has always been considered by the tradition of the Church as one of the most powerful angels that God created. It is speculated that his name was "Light-Bearer" because he was a Seraphim angel, the highest order of the angelic hierarchy, and the order of angels whose Hebrew name describes something that burns with the ardor of love. Lucifer's fall from grace did not deprive him of his natural powers but rather corrupted those powers for the perverse work of undermining God's plan of salvation for men.

Among all the many references to this wretched being in the Bible, the Book of Revelation is one of the best sources of knowledge about him and his plan to destroy God's children. He is described in Rev 12:9 as "a huge dragon, the ancient serpent, known as the devil or Satan, the seducer of the whole world." The devil's most serious indictment came from our Blessed Lord who called him, "a liar and the father of lies," and "a murderer from the beginning" (Jn 8:44). The New Testament refers to this origin of all wickedness nearly three hundred times to warn us of his presence and work.

As we celebrate the feast of Pentecost with our Church, let us make a profound act of faith in the Holy Spirit, that, no matter how evil our times may be, God will never abandon to the power of evil those who call upon Him. Let us call upon the Holy Spirit to protect us and our loved ones and to renew the face of the earth!

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Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer,
President, Human Life International

Casserole Drive for 4th Friday

Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 8:11 AM
Subject: Thanks for the Casseroles

I think the number of casseroles was some 28 and fed some 275

So much needed



Friday, May 25, 2007

Doctor's visit

Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:00 PM
Subject: Blood test

Went for a check up with Dr Monday--first time in a couple of years

Blood test show/ Dr says high chloresteral--he said probably hereditary?

Big Guy--you have high chloresteral?

Mine was 245
LDL 170
HDL 42
TriG 163


EME's and Father Gene

Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist (EME)

Father Gene,

Where's the reverence in that?

I think it confuses who is whom on the sanctuary. Blurs who is a worshipper and who is the priest.

It is ok to use extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist but why do they need to be on the sanctuary before the celebrant has consumed the Eucharist themselves?

I am sure there is no reason for EME's to be saying anything other than 'Body or Blood of Christ,' and not blessing children as well:

So, the blessing of anyone by an EME at Communion time is a vain
gesture, which does nothing for the recipient. Furthermore, by a gesture
which suggests priestly authority in a sacramental setting, it confuses
the role of the laity and the ordained minister, something prohibited by
the Instruction on
Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-Ordained
Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priests.

Father Gene, not 'busting your chops' as much as I think it important to keep the sanctuary sacred and the Mass Holy. I've seen and not just here, some of the lay members try to extend their authority over the parish.



EME and liturgical vestments

Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2007 3:54 PM
Subject: Eucharistic Ministers |

Lay people who perform liturgical functions (eg, readers and eucharistic ministers) must not wear liturgical vestments appropriate to the priesthood (eg, the stole, or a chasuble). There should be nothing in the dress of the lay faithful performing these roles which might confuse the distinction between the priesthood and the lay state in liturgy.

Need a new church/ parish

Do you think if I write to the Bishop of Baltimore he will tell me what parish I can attend and expect the Mass to follow the rubrics of the Catholic Church?

*No altar servers wearing sneakers
*No lectors remaining on the sanctuary during the Liturgy of the Word
*No EME's taking and replacing Communion vessels on Altar
*No EME's blessing children during Communion
*Church where the lay parishioners aren't in charge
*Reverence on the Altar and during Mass
*Church were ordained/ lay really care and really believe
*Mass where parishioners aren't coming in late or leaving early or getting up during Mass
*Mass where there is reverence

I know these places exist. I have been a parishioner to places like this in the past.

At present place of worship, I can expect most of these I mentioned on my list to occur each Sunday Mass. Dont think I can continue my growth in this setting. I dont believe it is healthy.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Receiving on the Tongue

Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 9:40 PM
Subject: Fr Jon's 4th anniversary tonight

I generally receive in the hand. I recall when we were instructed back in CCD to receive in the hand. Other than my preferred receiving at the Communion rail--I suppose I never gave it much thought.

Tonight at the associates priest's (one of the good guys) 4th anniversary of becoming a priest he pointed out to me (after Mass with great Homily) as a traditional Catholic (via my emails/ postings lately) I should really be receiving on the tongue.

He pointed out to me that receiving in the hand is a newer/ untraditional way and less reverent than receiving on the tongue. Going along with my other recent complaints this fits in as well with something the US church did different than the Authority in Rome.

I am sure there is probably other stuff I do during Mass, etc which is probably learned behavior or following others--right or wrong. But, I thought it was pretty neat that he took time to notice and point that out as well.


Monday, May 21, 2007

Mimi's Birthday

Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: Catholic Exchange - Your Faith. Your Life. Your World.

happy 69th birthday-----mercedes----------your son gerry got everything under control........may 21st,1938....

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers

The Vatican has just released a document called An Instruction on Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of the Priest co-authored by the Congregation for the Clergy, the Pontifical Council for the Laity, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the Congregation for Bishops, Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, the Congregation for Institutes of Religious Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts and ordered to be promulgated by His Holiness Pope John Paul II.

The document is a response to perceived anomolies, primarily in the Western World, where Lay pastoral activity has had serious deleterious effect on the understanding of the priesthood and the priestly ministry.

It sets out in some detail what a lay person or non-ordained religious (a Brother or a Nun) can and cannot do instead of a priest in a Parish or a Diocese.

In particular, the document devotes particular attention to the roles the Lay faithful may assume at Mass. To the casual observer, it might seem that the Church requires the Lay faithful to distribute communion, give homilies and the like. You don't have to travel too far these days to find a parish that regularly invites lay people to give "homilies", has at least 4 or 5 lay people distributing Holy Communion (even with the priest not distributing at all) and, in some parishes, invites lay people to read the priest's parts of the Mass, all except the words of consecration themselves. The document seeks to remind Bishops, priests and the faithful of existing canon law on these issues and to guideline new specific guidelines to curb the growth of these anomolies.

Canon 900§1 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law provides:

The only minister who, in the person of Christ, can bring into being the sacrament of the Eucharist, is a validly ordained priest.

Canon 907 provides:

In the celebration of the Eucharist, deacons and lay persons are not permitted to say the prayers, especially the eucharistic prayer, nor to perform the actions which are proper to the celebrating priest.

Canon 910 provides:

§1. The ordinary minister of holy communion is a Bishop, a priest or a deacon.

§2. The extraordinary minister of holy communion is an acolyte, or another of Christ's faithful deputed in accordance with canon 230§3.

Canon 230 provides:

§1. Lay men whose age and talents meet the requirements presribed by decree of the Episcopal Conference, can be given the stable ministry of lector and of acolyte, through the prescribed liturgical rite. This conferral of ministry does not, however, give them a right to sustenance or remuneration from the Church.

§2. Lay people can receive a temporary assignment to the role of lector in liturgical actions. Likewise, all lay people can exercise the roles of commentator, cantor or other such, in accordance with the law.

§3. Where the needs of the Church require and ministers are not available, lay people, even though they are not lectors or acolytes, can supply certain of their functions, that is, exercise the ministry of the word, preside over liturgical prayers, confer baptism and distribute Holy Communion, in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Canon 766 provides:

The laity may be allowed to preach in a church or oratory if in certain circumstances it is necessary, or in particular cases it would be advantageous, according to the provisions of the Episcopal Conference....

The new Instruction makes the following points:

* It is acceptable to call "extraordinary ministers" those Lay faithful who are deputed to perform tasks under canon 230§3. Temporary deputation under canon 230§2 gives no right to any special title. It is unlawful for the Lay faithful to assume titles such as "pastor", "chaplain", "Parish coordinator", "moderator" or any other title that might confuse their roles with the role of the Bishop or priest.
* Preaching in churches or oratories by lay people can only be permitted where there is a shortage of sacred ministers or for those particular reasons foreseen by the universal law of the Church or by Conferences of Bishops. It cannot, however, be regarded as an ordinary occurrence nor as an authentic promotion of the laity.
* However, the preaching of the "homily" during Mass may never be done by anyone other than a Bishop, priest or deacon. Those studying for the priesthood, lay faithful with particular competences or any other suitable person who is not ordained is forbidden from giving a homily at Mass. The Instruction states specifically that to the extent this might previously have been considered permissible by canon 766, it is now abrogated and unlawful.
* No one other than a priest may say the parts of the Mass reserved to the priest, particularly the Eucharistic Prayer. Even ordained deacons may not recite these prayers.
* Lay people who perform liturgical functions (eg, readers and eucharistic ministers) must not wear liturgical vestments appropriate to the priesthood (eg, the stole, or a chasuble). There should be nothing in the dress of the lay faithful performing these roles which might confuse the distinction between the priesthood and the lay state in liturgy.
* "A non-ordained member of the faithful, in cases of true necessity, may be deputed by the diocesan bishop, using the appropriate form of blessing for these situation, to act as an extraordinary minister to distribute Holy Communion outside of liturgical celebrations ad actum vel ad tempus or for a more stable period. In exceptional cases or in unforeseen circumstances, the priest presiding at the liturgy may authorize such ad actum."
* "Extraordinary ministers may distribute Holy Communion at eucharistic celebrations only when there are no ordained ministers present or when those ordained ministers present at a liturgical celebration are truly unable to distribute Holy Communion. They may also exercise this function at eucharistic celebrations where there are particularly large numbers of the faithful and which would be excessively prolonged because of an insufficient number of ordained ministers to distribute Holy Communion."
* "To avoid creating confusion, certain practices are to be avoided and eliminated where such have emerged in particular Churches:
o extraordinary ministers receiving Holy Communion apart from the other faithful as though concelebrants;
o association with the renewal of promises made by priests at the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday, as well as other categories of faithful who renew religious vows or receive a mandate as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion;
o the habitual use of extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion at Mass thus arbitrarily extending the concept of "a great number of the faithful"."

The full text of the document can be read and downloaded at CIN, EWTN or the Vatican Web Site.

The document also has some interesting things to say about the powers of Parish Pastoral Councils.

Pray that our Bishops and priests listen to what is being said and implement it!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Bill Maher

I generally watch his show on HBO on Friday nights but wonder why he spews so much against God/ religions/ especially Catholicism, etc. He seems boastful of this fact that those of us whom believes are the cuckoos. At least with the 'Gospel of Oprah' you have some tinge of spirituality/ perhap some Christian message but he preaches an anti-gospel. Now, I am also sure he only gets a fraction of the audience Oprahs gets so I guess this is good.

Losing his religion

Maher, 48, grew up Roman Catholic, attending weekend catechism classes, and weekly Sunday mass with his father and sister. His father was Catholic, his mother Jewish.

When he was 13, his father pulled everybody out of church.

"It was like V-J Day in my room," Maher says, laughing. "I couldn't have been more thrilled.

"My father, God bless him, became very disillusioned with the pope at the time, which was Pope Paul [VI]. He loved Pope John [XXIII]. He was the liberal pope, 1958 to 1963. So my father, as an Irish-Catholic American, was in his glory in the early 1960s. He had an Irish president. He had a liberal pope, whom he loved. But Pope Paul obviously rubbed him the wrong way."

This explains, at least in part, why today Maher has no religion. And no middle name.

When his family left the Catholic Church, he was preparing for the sacrament of confirmation.

"I was dreading it because that's where you get your middle name, and mine would have been Aloysius," he says. "It's actually a very common, Irish, Catholic, horrible name. So that's why to this day I don't have a middle name. I got off the hook right at that moment."

Aloysius is the patron saint of teens.

On last weeks show he couldnt stop slombering over the author Christopher Hitchens and his recent book titled: God is not Great:

From Publishers Weekly
Hitchens, one of our great political pugilists, delivers the best of the recent rash of atheist manifestos. The same contrarian spirit that makes him delightful reading as a political commentator, even (or especially) when he's completely wrong, makes him an entertaining huckster prosecutor once he has God placed in the dock. And can he turn a phrase!: "monotheistic religion is a plagiarism of a plagiarism of a hearsay of a hearsay, of an illusion of an illusion, extending all the way back to a fabrication of a few nonevents." Hitchens's one-liners bear the marks of considerable sparring practice with believers. Yet few believers will recognize themselves as Hitchens associates all of them for all time with the worst of history's theocratic and inquisitional moments. All the same, this is salutary reading as a means of culling believers' weaker arguments: that faith offers comfort (false comfort is none at all), or has provided a historical hedge against fascism (it mostly hasn't), or that "Eastern" religions are better (nope). The book's real strength is Hitchens's on-the-ground glimpses of religion's worst face in various war zones and isolated despotic regimes. But its weakness is its almost fanatical insistence that religion poisons "everything," which tips over into barely disguised misanthropy. (May 30)


I always thought if I could have one 'spiritual gift' Id probably like to be able to visit baby Jesus in the manger in Bethlehem.
Also known as the "manifestation gifts" or "miraculous gifts". Some limit the term "spiritual gifts" to just the charismatic gifts. Cessationism claims that these gifts ceased to operate (through individuals) early in Christian history. Its counterpart continuationism claims that they still operate today. They are believed by some to be transmitted through the laying on of hands.

* word of wisdom / message of wisdom, 1Cor 12:8
* word of knowledge / message of knowledge, 1 Cor 12:8
* faith, 1 Cor 12:9
* gifts of healing, 1 Cor 12:9, 12:28
* miracles / miraculous powers, 1 Cor 12:10, 12:28
* prophecy / prophesying / prophets, 1 Cor 12:10, 1 Cor 12:28, Rom 12:6, Eph 4:11
* discernment of spirits / distinguishing of spirits, 1 Cor 12:10
* speaking in tongues / varieties of tongues / speaking in different kinds of tongues, 1 Cor 12:10
* interpretation of tongues, 1 Cor 12:10

"Speaking in tongues" and "interpretation of tongues" are sometimes viewed as one gift, "tongues". The TNIV footnote has "languages" as a possible translation for "tongues".

And while that remains one of my top choices--I am thinking it would be pretty spectacular to be in Ephesus during the couple of years St. Paul was preaching in the 50's. I heard Dr. Scott Hahn's speech a few weeks back on EWTN where he spoke how great that epistle was.
But look at this, in Ephesus Paul taught for two years and three months every day in a public lecture hall. Can you imagine that? I would love to study under Cardinal Ratzinger or Professor Joseph Pieper or some great giant of this day, but not nearly as much as I would love to study under St. Paul himself. The Ephesian believers had two years of straight theology from St. Paul himself, every day presumably for hours and hours. No other place could Paul stay so long. No other place could Paul teach so much. So no other place was so well prepared for Paul's loftiest theological thought as the Ephesians.

That's why I believe in the book of Ephesians we have Paul's book. Paul pulls out the stops; he's really able to communicate to them what really is in his heart and what's on his mind. He's past the ABC's; he doesn't have to go back to justification by faith like he does with the Galatians. He doesn't have to review the relation of Jews and Gentiles as he does with the Romans whom he never met. Here he can really just kind of soar straight to the stratosphere and teach the deepest truths of the Christian faith and the Catholic Church. And he does for two years.

Can you imagine showing up at Mass with a few friends and saying, "Over there's the beloved disciple, St. John. St. Paul's celebrating Mass today and, oh yeah, wait, who's that coming in with the beloved disciple? Oh, it's the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ." Tradition has her in Ephesus as well. What a line up, a hall of fame: Apollos, Priscilla, Aquila, Paul, John, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and just for good measure, Paul sends Timothy to stay there after his two year, three month ministry was finished. So the Church in Ephesus not only receives the book of Ephesians, but First and Second Timothy are also addressed to the Ephesian believers as well. Unbelievable what privileges they received! Unbelievable what lofty truths they heard! Listen to the book of Ephesians. The mystery of Christ as all scholars agree is really the main theme.

Print this off if you havent read it yet and enjoy
“Everyone needs thirty minutes of personal prayer time each day, unless they are too busy to pray—in which case, they need an hour!”

Saint Francis de Sales

Jack's Note

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Saturday the Evangelizing Day?

Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 1:12 PM
Subject: another blog entry

Perhaps just a beautiful weather day for all sorts to be out and about? Neighborhood streets always filled with people buzzing about to get to next yard sale, but also a big turn out of Jehovah Witnesses and the customary guys in white shirt and tie on their bikes (Mormons). I had to get home to hitch up my Vatican flag. The JW's are pests and usually the Mormons are at least fun to speak with.

There was another group (also wearing white shirts and ties) as well up to something--selling some merchandise behind some religious cause, which reminded me of the Seinfeld episode with the Sunshine Carpet Cleaners--where they 'abduct' Mr. Wilhelm and he changes his name to 'Tania.' And I felt a little like George when they got bored with me and quickly left as soon as I told them I was Catholic.

It sure was a beautiful day to be out and about--how come the Catholics to stroll around neighborhoods proclaiming how great the Truth really is?


BIBLE/ Scripture Study

Not sure if any interest out there but like to start a Bible study/ Classic book study

I really like the Acts and the 1st C Church

Heard a great talk from Dr Hahn especially on Ephesus--and St. Paul's 2 years spent there preaching and teaching. Neat to relive that!


Used to do that each year--been a while

I think they now call it Busch Garden Europe--I guess one in Tampa is Africa?

I always thought of it as a WDW--B grade--but always one of my favorites

Before we have driven down and went to BGW (that is Busch Gardens Williamsburg) or I guess know BGE--enjoyed park and got a room somewhere in WmsBurg and finished off drive to OBX the next AM.

Somewhere they must have discounted park tickets as well

The catwalk of catastrophe

Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 9:57 PM
Subject: excerpt of article about Tweens

The catwalk of catastrophe
It’s hard to imagine that tween girls – ages 8 to 12 – would find their value in sex appeal, but when one looks at the world around her, there is no doubt about it. From pre-teen lingerie to sexy dolls to nearly naked pop stars, young girls are being bombarded with sex. Their role models are the pretty faces of naughty girls Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan – a.k.a. the “Brit Pack.”

MSNBC reports that a recent Newsweek poll “found that 77% of Americans believe that Britney, Paris and Lindsay have too much influence on young girls.”

The Telegraph, a British newspaper, claims that Britney has been sexualized since childhood, and as a result she is now a 25-year-old divorced mother who has apparently hit rock bottom.

“That is a tragedy,” said the Telegraph article, “but there is an even bigger one unfolding: the generation of girls prematurely sexualized by the cynical manipulation of Spears and performers like her.”

One L.A. mother believes this generation of girls is being raised as, what she calls, “prosti-tots.”

Instead of Holly Hobbie or Strawberry Shortcake, young girls are now playing with Bratz – dolls with oversized facial features and who come dressed in mini skirts, fishnet stockings and feather boas.

Courtney wrote in a blog posting at that tweens spent $1.6 million on thong underwear in 2003. Also popular among the tween and teen crowds are Abercrombie and Fitch screen-print T-shirts that display phrases like, “Who needs brains when you have these?” “Anatomy Tutor” or “Available for Parties.” And don’t forget the sexually explicit lyrics found in songs such as “My Humps” by the Black Eyed Peas and “Candy Shop” by 50 Cent. These lyrics – although too graphic to print here – speak volumes about the state of society.

“One thing is not in doubt: a lot of parents are wondering about the effect our racy popular culture may have on their kids and the women they would like their girls to become,” reported MSNBC.

The APA suggests that “Parents can play a major role in contributing to the sexualization of their daughters or can play a protective and educative role.”

Masses for the Dead

These will be said at Masses at OLF:

Mercedes Scheidhauer 10/30 830a
Beatrice Scheidhauer 9/30 1230
Pop Aloysius Dowd 12/29 830a

Carolyn Denevan Lauth: 10/20 830a
Edmund Bettge 10/31 830a
Willie Mae Bettge 7/11 830a

Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace

Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 10:41 AM
Subject: | Discussion Forum - New Books

Just finished this--always enjoy reading Dr Hahn's work as well as hearing him lecture. Aspiring story taking him from an anti-Catholic to converting to Catholicism and quickly Opus Dei:

Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace
My Spiritual Journey in Opus Dei
Written by Scott Hahn
Religion - Catholicism | Doubleday Religion | Hardcover | September 2006 | $19.95 | 978-0-385-51924-3 (0-385-51924-9)

About this Book

To conspiracy theorists, Opus Dei is a highly secretive and powerful international organization. To its members, however, Opus Dei is a spiritual path, a way of incorporating the teachings of Jesus into everyday life. In Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace, Scott Hahn, a member of Opus Dei, describes the organization’s founding, its mission, and its profound influence on his life.

Hahn recounts the invaluable part Opus Dei played in his conversion from Evangelical Christianity to Catholicism and explains why its teachings remain at the center of his life. Through stories about his job, his marriage, his role as a parent, and his community activities, Hahn shows how Opus Dei’s spirituality enriches the meaning of daily tasks and transforms ordinary relationships. He offers inspiring insights for reconciling spiritual and material goals, discussing topics ranging from ambition, workaholism, friendship, and sex, to the place of prayer and sacrifice in Christianity today.

Engaging and enlightening, Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace is at once a moving personal story and an inspiring work of contemporary spirituality.
“Everyone needs thirty minutes of personal prayer time each day, unless they are too busy to pray—in which case, they need an hour!”

Saint Francis de Sales


Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:15 AM
Subject: | Discussion Forum - ASCENSION of the LORD

Animal Interiors Indoor Soccer

Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 9:51 PM
Subject: Soccerdome

12-7 victory tonight without our defense and star player

No subs to begin--pulled a guy in with us// harry came about half way through 1st half//andrew came about the half.

5-4 us at half

Milan was 3-0 coming into the game

We play DILF next week which also was undefeated going into tonights game. They finished 2nd place last season and should have been promoted?

Next week at 10p

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

We visited Mom yesterday

Planted some annuals as well

Many people were there paying respects on Mother's Day. Place is filling up. Wasnt anything like that some 5 years ago or so.

Next Monday--Mom would have been 69 yrs old


WDW August 2007

Any specials that time of year?

Last year we got dining plan for free?

We have 3 kids--or 5 in family. What about the value resorts? I saw
something saying $80 per night. I heard one has a suite or bigger room for
family of 5?




see it was 'sing, sing, sing' one of my favorites but it was different since it was Gene Krupa's version--the orginal drummer of Benny Goodman

cool site

Animal Interiors Orders

id like to keep orders all similar things other than once in a while something different:

Zebra skins
warthog/ hippo tusks
porcupine quills

springbok skins
little skulls: monkey/ baboon/ weird stuff-skulls

Family Vacation

Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: Overview, Property Pages, Vacation Rental, ResortQuest

What ever came of this?


If WDW, we need to start thinking/ planning

1515 Jobs

Paint: BA= painter
--living room
--dining room
--kids bathroom
--jack's room
--touch up painting throughout

New appliances: HOME DEPOT

--recessed lights in kitchen

--lawn maintenance
--paint cement steps BA?
--peel privacy glass off front door
--power wash deck
--paint deck BA?
--gardening/flowerpots on steps

--steam clean all carpets w/spot treatment
--replace carpet in family room

--shelves in Max's room
--animals from office
--stuff from garage so car fits

--around sink/tubs in bathrooms

--Jack's broken window
--step up to deck

--shelves in Max's walk in closet


'Mass Police'

Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 3:33 PM
Subject: | Discussion Forum - Lectors in Sanctuary during Lit of the Eucharist

I dont mean to be a pest and surely dont need to be the 'Mass-police.' But, my parish has been driving me batty. I'd consider the pastor, a product of the 1960s: very social and likeable--not one to make waves. The associate is a good guy and traditional is his priestly ways.

But been an active member of this parish for a while and chose it a while ago as my parish. It most likely has my favorite daily Mass especially when younger priest is celebrating and doesnt mind giving a full homily even during the week. I consider this a special treat. But, Sunday Mass has grown to be almost a pain with very little reverance.

Perhaps the laity have been given or taken much authority. We have the greet your neighbor before Mass along with the standard kiss of peace during Mass. It seems the congregation enjoys the protestant-like (the other sects) priestly mimicking with hands raised during Mass. Hand holding for Our Father is a favorite. Altar servers wearing sneakers/ lectors on sanctuary the whole Mass/ EME: well not sure how much they are doing in accordance with church teachings. Id think if they removed the younger priest since he is too much with Rome--I am not sure how it would be different than some protestant churches?

I have been emailing or calling the priest/ pastor/ lay member responsible for these ministries and feel like I am spinning my wheels.

Today, the woman responsible for the altar servers laughed when I asked why are the servers allowed to wear sneaks and she gave me: 'priest/ deacons wear the same,' 'it is today's leisurely culture,' and 'we instruct them to wear leather shoes but what can we do if they dont?' Id think if I called the people responsible for EME and lectors id most likely get the same flippant responses.

Am I making too much of a big deal out of these abuses/ neglects? Or are these just indicative of the some of the changes from back in the 1960's which continue to snowball? If my concerns are legit is my next step the bishop?


Friday, May 11, 2007

May 11 Plans

Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: Re:

bathed--didnt take

sweating like a bird

gym 9-10

10-12 yardwork:

lil rake--thrashing, etc
long shears
pruning shears--did a number on one tree in back to allow light on other stuff in garden

neatened everything up--apprecaite you checking it out--threw all debris in back back-yard

watering 3rd spot in front

and turned on back one along fence area--where I was doing a lot

need to cool down

eating mac and cheese--in micro

read newspaper

see what is next on list

If you dont get poison ivy from what I was doing not sure how

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Pink frosted Animal Cookies/ Crackers

got those animal cracker cookies

used to be very good--now cardboardy and where is frosting?

mouth is dry now

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Beef O Brady Golf

Life's Short, Get Divorced????

I saw this on one of the morning shows this am. And GOP Pres-candidate Romney couldnt think of one thing wrong with the US on the debate the other night?

Sure life is short, but Heaven is Everlasting! So, of course is Hell!


New Baby

having a baby

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Telling debate at the Reagan Library the other night on such issues as abortion and creation. I think the Creation issue makes it easier to sort out some of the candidates--I liked Huckabee and Brownback from the early goings--and now have to add Tancredo, whom was off my radar screen. At one point, I liked McCain, but this debate and some of his recent stands changes things with me.

[i]Eager to Be Reagan's Heir, but Not Bonzo's Cousin

By Chris Cillizza And Shailagh Murray
Sunday, May 6, 2007; Page A02

When former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, Rep. Tom Tancredo (Colo.) and Sen. Sam Brownback (Kan.) each raised his hand in response to a question from moderator Chris Matthews during Thursday night's Republican presidential debate in California, signaling that they did not believe in evolution, it raised more than a few eyebrows among journalists.

But a look at public polling on the issue reveals that the three men aren't far from the mainstream in that belief.

A recent Newsweek survey presented people with three explanations for the origins of human life: that humans developed over millions of years, from lesser to more advanced forms of life, while God guided the process; that God played no hand in the process; and that God created humans in their present form.[/i]

Sign of the Cross

Nice article in this month's Catholic Answers magazine on the Sign of the Cross. I dont think I even knew how powerful a prayer it really is.


Here is a portion:

Apply These Truths Now

Right now, you can imprint in your heart these six truths about the Sign of the Cross by making it six times, each time applying one of the perspectives.

First, sign yourself professing your faith in God.

Second, mark yourself remembering that you died with Christ in baptism.

Third, make the sign to declare that you belong to Christ as His disciple and will obey Him.

Fourth, sign yourself to embrace whatever suffering comes and to celebrate your suffering with Christ for the Church.

Fifth, make the Sign of the Cross as a defense against the devil and as an offensive advance of God's kingdom against him.

Finally, make the sign to crucify your flesh and to put on Christ and His behaviors.

Go through these six signings often in your morning prayer -- and watch the grace flow through this ancient sacramental in the days to come. TCA

Bert Ghezzi is the author of numerous books, most recently "T
“Everyone needs thirty minutes of personal prayer time each day, unless they are too busy to pray—in which case, they need an hour!”

Saint Francis de Sales

'Devout Catholic'

What is a 'devout catholic?' What does one need to do in order to label themselves one? I have seen at least 4 references in the media this week. Yesterday, the Post referred to ex NJ Gov. McGreevey as a one time devout Catholic (in reference to he applying to become an Episcopal priest) and at least two in the sports pages of different athletes as devout Catholics? Not judging whether thay are or not, but I suppose the media perhaps considers anyone
attending Mass as devout? I guess they get a brownie point for just stepping up in the interview to say they are Catholic. Dont know if you say in an interview you are a devout Catholic, nor part of the religious-right, born-again, or I think the group getting the most grief: christian evangelicals.

I guess that is for God to decide if we lived our lives devoutly toward him.

“Everyone needs thirty minutes of personal prayer time each day, unless they are too busy to pray—in which case, they need an hour!”

Saint Francis de Sales

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Was Cho Seung-Hui Possessed?

Spirit & Life
"The words I spoke to you are spirit and life." (Jn 6:63)
Human Life International e-Newsletter
Volume 01, Number 66 | Friday, May 04, 2007
Was Cho Seung-Hui Possessed?

There were howls of laughter when Fox News published an article raising the question of whether the devil may have influenced Cho Seung-Hui to commit the Virginia Tech massacre. Fox just reported the comments of various Christian leaders on the subject and did not intend to settle the question, but the cynicism of the godless media and society was predictable and to be expected. Since the devil doesn't exist - they say - how could anyone be so irresponsible as to try to explain away Cho's deed by recourse to the spiritual?

Well, first let me say that, as a Catholic priest, I have seen and worked with my share of possessed and obsessed individuals. It's entirely possible for someone to be at once responsible for his own acts and totally under the influence of the devil in committing them. In this case, Cho pulled the trigger, but the devil was the author of the deed. Does not Jesus call him "a murderer from the beginning"? The devil is the prime mover of all evil in the world, but human beings freely cooperate with him in their evil decisions. No one gets off the hook of responsibility by blaming the devil, but we can't say that the devil is a detached observer to crimes like this.

The evil work that Cho perpetrated bears the classic marks of a possession that he cooperated in. Four clear signs of serious demonic influence were evident in his life and virtually assured that he would commit some kind of heinous crime against humanity in time. These are the devil's tactics for the destruction of body and soul: isolate, distort, excite, plot - and then kill.

First, it is not always clear how a demon enters someone, but it is sure that once a demon enters a person, that demon bends all his efforts of mind and will to overtake his host's life and make it his own. Isolation is the best technique. By all accounts, Cho was an isolated loner whose belonging to his demon was very far advanced. He had no friends to speak of, no significant associates or relationships and certainly no religious practice.

Second, with time and permission, the demon totally perverts all the person's mental processes in order to translate them into demon-think. Cho's writings leading up to the crime, and Cho's now-famous video manifesto, all exhibited signs that the process of demonic perversion of mind and values was complete. He was verbally fantasizing in front of his classmates and teachers about killing people in the most horrible ways. In the end he even blasphemously claimed to be dying like Jesus Christ for the sins of others: this is perverse thinking in the extreme.

Third, a crime of this immensity cannot be accomplished without a person's total emotional commitment. After reprogramming a person's thought patterns, the demon excites his passions to do what he wants. Others have very credibly explained how Cho's pathetic video images imitating the Korean flick, Old Boy, were evidence of his heightened emotions influenced by violent images. He even ranted in imitation of the Columbine killers Harris and Klebold in solidarity for the deed he was about to commit.
In other words, it's very difficult to sustain such an emotional intensity about the evil he planned and carried out without some direct force multiplier. Graphic images provided it.

Finally, he plotted - like all demons from Satan to the perpetrators of the World Trade Center attacks. He bought guns and ammo, he planned the date and times and places of the murder, and he even went regularly at night to work out at the campus gym in order to look the part of a mass murderer. The devil must have been very happy to witness his prey blast his brains out after perpetrating the bloody murders of 32 innocents. That is the ultimate victory for the devil.

As sad as the physical deaths of innocent people are, perhaps the saddest element of the story is the likely loss of Cho Seung-Hui's immortal soul by this demonic action. The rabbis used to say that the angels weep at the loss of a soul that God created to share in His eternal blessedness; I am sure the angels are weeping now. Let us all commend the innocent victims of this crime, their families and the possessed perpetrator to the Mercy of God and then re-commit ourselves to proclaiming Christ and His victory over so that none of God's children will ever be lost.

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In Christ,

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer
President, Human Life International

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Fall Race Talladega

Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 5:34 PM
Subject: Home - Talladega Superspeedway

Fall race Oct 6 weekend

April Mens Soccer

Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 1:09 PM
Subject: W 8-4 last night

Bye next week

Hopefully we get Yarek back in two weeks

April 14 8p

We finished in April 3 wins and 2 losses both by a point

21 goals and 17 against


plus soccer 5 days

Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 1:05 PM
Subject: nbfd but,


Adoration: twice
Mass: 8 times

Subst 4 days
gym 7 days

Catholic Supreme Court Judges

Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 12:30 PM
Subject: | Discussion Forum - Supreme Court's Decision

It is sure nice to note how once in a while our Catholic public officials (Supreme Court Judges) do come through for us. How often do we complain about the times they (mostly 'Catholics' in the Congress) let us down, esecially on Life issues.

Plus always nice to keep the ire up on such pro-choice liberals as Rosie and the Washington Post:

Oyez, Oyez
Did Justices' Catholicism Play Part in Abortion Ruling?

By Robert Barnes
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, April 30, 2007; Page A13

Is it significant that the five Supreme Court justices who voted to uphold the federal ban on a controversial abortion procedure also happen to be the court's Roman Catholics?

It is to Tony Auth, the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for the Philadelphia Inquirer. He drew Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. wearing bishop's miters, and labeled his cartoon "Church and State."

Rosie O'Donnell and Barbara Walters hashed out the issue on "The View," with O'Donnell noting that a majority of the court is Catholic and wondering about "separation of church and state." Walters counseled that "we cannot assume that they did it because they're Catholic."

1515 and Zillow

Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 8:10 AM
Subject: Zillow - 1515 Hornbeam Dr, Crofton, MD 21114--Zillow says $736,213

1515 Hornbeam Dr, Crofton, MD 21114 -- beds, 3.0 baths, 3,324 sq ft
MAKE ME MOVE™ PRICE: $765,000 What's this?
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ZESTIMATE™: $736,213 What's this?
Value Range: $669,954 - $854,007

30-day change: -$12,735 Last updated: 04/17/2007

Kia Sedona

Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 3:22 PM
Subject: Rear Door Latch - Kia Forum Kia Forums on the Sportage, Sorento, Rio, Spectra

Rear Door Latch


Anyone else having problems with the rear door latch breaking? This is second time with a Sedona with only some 1500 miles. Both time ive opened the rear door and when went to shut it the latch was still in closed position and wont close. Heading back to dealer tomorrow?
