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Monday, January 22, 2007

Saint Expedito

Today in many parts of the world, especially South America, the church celebrates the feast of Saint Expedito. A martyr of the early church, he is known as the patron saint of those seeking rapid answers to prayer. He is often depicted as a Roman soldier who is gazing at a cross while trampling a black crow underfoot. We know little else about his life, but as the story goes, Expedito had heard about Jesus and was thinking of being baptized and becoming a Christian. A crow crossed his path, saying to him tomorrow—implying that he could put off until tomorrow his decision to convert. But Expedito decisively crushed the crow underfoot and embraced Christianity that very day.

What about us? Today, Jesus will call us. Today, the Holy Spirit will prompt us in one way or another. What will we choose to do? Will we hesitate to speak about our faith to a struggling neighbor or co-worker? Will we wait another day before we seek reconciliation with someone we have wronged, or before we go to Confession? Will we put off joining that Bible study or ministry we feel called to, or hit the snooze button and sleep through our prayer time again?

Let’s be like the apostles who went to Jesus as soon as he called them. Let’s be like Saint Expedito, refusing to wait another day to follow Christ. Let’s not miss any opportunity to choose Jesus today, in ordinary or in extraordinary ways. When others see our example, they too will want to run to Jesus; they’ll see that now is the acceptable time . . . now is the day of salvation! (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Heavenly Father, let me not waste one moment in following you! So many times, I hesitate. I don’t want to miss even one chance for your grace to flow into me and through me to your beloved people!

Hebrews 8:6-13; Psalm 85:8,10-14

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