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Sunday, July 1, 2007


i wanted to ask you about fasting. Real fasting not the one main meal and two smaller meals.

Is there a special day for fasting?

We, as a family refrain from meat on Fridays--but Id also like to fast as well.



Gerry S said...

I'd like to add fasting to my weekly repertoire.

I already abstain from meat on all Fridays as the Church directs, but like to add on another day fasting. I see in the early Church they fasted on Weds and Fridays. Why Wednesdays?

What is a real fast? I am not crazy about the current definition where you can have one main meal and two smaller ones--not sure they would be considered even a diet.

Are there any rules? Is is just bread and water? Cheese on the bread?

Any advice appreciated


Gerry S said...

In the Eastern Orthodox church we abstain from meat & dairy on all Weds & Fri's of the year. The reason for Weds is this was the day Judas conspired to betray Jesus.